Thursday, July 13, 2006

Listening to the residents

Check this snippet out from a piece in today's paper-
By William J. Ford Of The Morning Call
Williams Township supervisors unanimously approved a resolution Wednesday night to place a question on the November ballot asking residents whether they want to borrow $2.5 million to preserve open space.

Supervisor Chairwoman Sally Hixson and Supervisors Robert Doerr and Fred Mebus say it's a way to combat residential development and maintain the township's rural character.

According to the resolution, the money would be used to finance the acquisition of open space, purchase development rights and obtain conservation easements.

Officials said a tax increase isn't necessary because revenue from an existing open-space tax would pay the debt.

Through a referendum two years ago, voters approved raising the earned income tax by 0.25 percent to preserve land. About $320,000 has been collected from the tax.

So far, Doerr said 400 acres have been preserved with more being sought.

Another $400,000 was pledged last month by Gov. Ed Rendell's administration to help acquire 73 acres along Hexenkopf Road to protect meadows, wetlands and vernal pools. Northampton County gave $300,000 toward the project and the township contribution is $114,557."
So let's get this straight. In Williams Township, they actually-

1) Ask their constituents what they think about important issues

2) Seek grant money for open-space preservation

3) Undertake meanigful measures to preserve the rural character of their community

4) Have already preserved 400 acres of land with the goal of saving even more

Hmm, seems like the only question is; how do we get some of those Williams Township Board of Supervisors to move to Forks Township quickly, take office here, and give us the kind of respect, service and consideration that they currently provide to the residents of Williams Township?