And the show begins.....

As this legal notice shows, the curtain on the Zawarski/Maloney/Benner show is about to rise.
It is worth noting that the meeting will take place at the Forks Community Center, as all parties know that attendance should be very high.
Make no mistake about it. This is an attack on our community by rich and powerful developers like Zawarski and Maloney and their high-powered attorney, Benner, as well as other outsiders and special interest groups.
Will you stand and be counted? Will our Board of Supervisors (BoS) defend the sovereignty of our current zoning laws and the integrity of our township? Will the BoS either hire a special salaried counsel or set a fixed rate for the current Solicitor to make certain that our legal fees to deal with this mess don’t become astronomical?
As usual, for now, there are more questions than answers. What we can be certain of though is that their will be plenty of drama, intrigue and mystery with this show.
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