Friday, April 14, 2006

Paper or plastic?

So the Planning Commission voted 5 to 1 last night to recommend to the Board of Supervisors a change that would permit a grocery store in an area zoned as “employment center district.” To his credit, commission member Dean Turner was the lone no vote and raised this point as well as traffic concerns.

Here is our .02 on this. Every time another less than desirable massive cluster home project is proposed, or a biker type bar approved, our township officials always say, “can’t stop it, it’s a permitted use”. Whether this proposed grocery store has merit or not, this is one more example of something that does NOT have to be permitted. There are approximately 7 grocery stores within 5 to 7 miles of Forks Township so no one is going hungry looking for food. Should anyone try to make the argument that a grocery store on this site will reduce vehicle traffic and save fuel, they only need to look at the reality that we live in an area that has NO viable mass transportation system, so, people drive everywhere, like it or not, whether gas is 3, 4 or 5 dollars a gallon.

Oh, but wait a minute. When, oops, meant “if” the 800+ homes are ultimately approved in the farmland preservation district, this would make marketing them much easier wouldn’t it? Hmm, wonder who else is thinking of this?!?!?

Though we hope that we are wrong, after watching this Board of Supervisors work, we think the only question left is paper or plastic?