Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Help Wanted

Outside of what the Morning Call and Express-Times have reported regarding the termination of our township manager, there is not much more to say on the subject, except-

1) According to the E-T article, The Board of Supervisors will start seeking a new township manager in late July or August. It is our sincere hope that a residency requirement is established for this position so the new manager lives in Forks Township.

2) It has been additionally reported that the now former township manager and her attorney are negotiating a settlement package with the township. We hope that the ex- manager does not waive her rights to sell the rights to her story for the purposes of a book and/or movie.

3) Losing a job is never easy. No matter what you think of the person, there is always a ripple effect to those that depend on you. Whether she was right or wrong on issues during her tenure with Forks Township is irrelevant today. We genuinely wish her the best of luck and success in her next career position.