Saturday, July 08, 2006

Table talk, part 2

So in today's Morning Call ("Forks Twp. supervisors stunned by the dollars in the details for project", July 8, 2006) Reporter Joe Nixon had the following line-

{The new municipal complex was completed without the need to raise township property taxes and did not run over budget}

This may indeed be true, but, no one ever wants to talk about how much debt this township has. Overall it is in the area of $11-12 million dollars. Supervisor Chairman David Hoff doesn't like to include interest since his view is that its not reported in routine accounting methods. So he prefers the $9-10 million dollar figure. Either way, with all the explosive growth we have, and continue to experience, why do we have any debt at all? Why didn't, and don't we charge more to developers who wish to build here? After all, once all the available land to build on is gone, the only revenue stream will be from you, Joe or Jane Taxpayer!

As for the $3,000 table, Mr. Hoff offered these insights. ''Some things were ordered later,'' he said, adding he was not aware of what type of wood the table was made from or why it was chosen. ''It does appear to be a considerable amount of money,'' he said Friday.

A considerable amount of money indeed! How many of you taxpayers have a $3,000 table in your front foyer?

Whether the $3,000 table was part of the furniture plan or not, this is a terrible waste of taxpayer money. Most especially we should hold Supervisor Hoff (current Chairman, former Treasurer) and Supervisor Don Miller accountable for this as they have served multiple consecutive terms (each term is 6 years) in office. It certainly appears as though they both forgot that they are suppose to be looking out for us, the citizens and taxpayers of Forks Township.