Nice fluff article
Courtney Lomax of the Express-Times once again offers us a nice pro Board of Supervisors piece in today's edition.
Our favorite quote from the article comes from newly installed township Manager Richard Schnaedter: "I've never been in a municipality that has donated so much energy and resources to recreation"
Since Mr. Schnaedter is still so new to our community we really can not call him to task on this, but Courtney, why didn't you challenge this at all?
Lest we all forget forget that Supervisor 60% (a.k.a. Donald "Don" Miller)
- Runs (and we're being generous with that term) the Community Center
- Is also the basketball commissioner
- Sits on the Recreation Board
- Is actively involved in the Athletic Association
- Is the Board of Supervisors liaison (a.k.a. Commissioner) to Recreation
- Every time he is up for re-election to the Board of Supervisors, or another seat is to be filled on the Board, Miller reminds all those parents of young children which candidates are, and are not supportive of "recreation", a.k.a. youth sports programs
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