Candidates Forum
We were thrilled to learn that the League of Women Voters has announced a "candidates forum" to be held on Sunday, April 22, 2007, 7:30pm at Faith Lutheran Church. The Church is located at 2012 Sullivan Trail and is next to the Forks EMS building and across the street from Easton Animal Hospital.
It appears as though Supervisor John Ackerman is NOT participating in this event even though he is running for re-election. This is a disservice to the voters.
While the League of Women voters is moderating this event, this will be your opportunity during the primary process to submit your questions to the candidates.
If elected, what-
- Goals will they set for themselves and for the township?
- Changes will they make to improve the tenor of the Board of Supervisors?
- Processes will they put in place to insure accountability on all levels?
- Systems will they put in place to better monitor department head and outside consultants/independent contractor performance?
- Plans do they have to fill the empty storefronts in the township, including the former Laneco/Giant building?
- Steps will they take to combat traffic, congestion and overcrowding in the township?
- Programs will they install to better serve our growing senior population?
- Financial plans do they have to replace the current revenues derived from new home construction so that taxpayers are not hit with massive increases?
- Plans do they have to re-establish integrity on the Board of Supervisors?
- Steps will they take to better work with the EASD to address overcrowding and lack of resources which, we, Forks Township have contributed significantly to?
Attached is a flier that the League of Women Voters created. Please print and circulate to any township residents that you may know.
Please do your best to attend. If you don't ask, they can't tell!

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