Many of us emphatically embrace the concepts of an organization called
Beyond Budgeting Round Table. Two important principles of this group include eliminating the “use it or lose it” mentality of traditional budgets as well as the awareness that budgets fail to focus on shareholder value. In our case, we, the citizens are the “shareholders”.
Reading Madeleine B. Mathias’s
article in the Morning Call today, with the exception of Supervisor Bonnie Nicholas, we were reminded just how shortsighted and careless
Supervisors Hoff, Ackerman, Howell and Miller are with
YOUR money.
In justifying the expenditure of $6,216.00 for two tables, Mr.
Hoff cited the fact that the money would be taken from a “discretionary fund” set up for such additions at the building. Supervisor Nicholas offered a viable $1,700.00 option and even offered to put the wheels on herself! Why would we possibly spend an extra $4,516.00 for two meeting room tables? Is it because Zoning Officer Tim Weis when asked about the tables said that they “are formal tables to go with the formal room”? Mr. Weis, with all due respect, this isn’t your living room, this is a government building, whom exactly are we trying to impress? Besides, didn’t you say under oath recently that you were “just a paper pusher?” If so, why are you adding design and style opinions?
By chance, if you think that it could not get worse, you are wrong! In this same article, Mr.
Hoff let his intentions be known by indicating that he will be looking at a projection system so that development plans could be beamed onto a projection screen. So if we understand correctly, the Board is going to make it even
EASIER for Developers? Wow, how about raising the application fees charged to Developers to cover the costs of a projection system rather than burdening the taxpayers? As for the idea of buying a “free-standing public address system", this must be a misprint. After all, the majority of this board has
NEVER shown a serious interest in public comment much less taken it into consideration before they cast their votes!
We hope that all of the candidates seeking to fill the two open seats on the Board of Supervisors will address this type of government waste in their campaigns. Until then, get ready; your pocket has been picked,