Mismanaging your money...again
At the January 7th Board of Supervisors meeting an expenditure of $39,000 was brought up for vote. No explanation was offered, why? Supervisor Bonnie Nicholas was the only member of the board of who voted against it, why?
Karl Kline, who in private practice, according to his website, specializes in Estate Planning, Estate Settlement and other Real Estate matters, was reappointed as Township Solicitor, as was Keystone Engineering and France, Anderson, Basile & Company, P.C. as the Auditors. This was done without seeking competitive bids (i.e. RFP's or RFQ's) from other firms, why? Though this action may indeed be the right of Board of Supervisors, why not seek bids from other qualified firms to make certain that we, the taxpayers, are getting the best deal for our money?
Labels: Cronies, Cronyism, Fiscal Irresponsibility, Forks Townshp, Good Old Boys, Mismanagement
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