Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Ordinance 298 Update

At 11:45am EST this morning we filed a formal appeal with Forks Township Zoning Hearing Board to the recently passed ordinance number 298, which is in regards to the “Big Box/Grocery” change of zoning.

We will defer comment regarding the legal aspects of this filing to our attorney, Gary Neil Asteak. We do have several comments about this appeal that do not concern the legal issues.

  1. This appeal was forced upon us by Supervisors Donald Miller, C. David Howell and David Hoff. By ignoring the will of the majority of the people and disregarding important facts about this ordinance change we felt compelled to act formally.
  2. To our knowledge, this is the first time a citizens group has formally challenged the Board of Supervisors on an issue. For all too long Forks Township residents have felt helpless and hopeless because of the actions of our elected officials. We are hopeful that this will change with our action.

In the end, two important things will occur with this action.

  1. The Board of Supervisors and the Developers are now on formal notice that we are not just going to sit back and take it anymore.
  2. Citizens now know that they can fight back as there is a citizens group (Residents Who Care) in the Township that is willing to stand up and to be counted.

Now more than ever, we need concerned and bold people to join our ranks. Please drop us a note today (citizens@residentswhocare.com) to learn how you can help us to save Forks Township!