Together, we make a difference!
If you were one of the 100+ residents who attended tonight’s Board of Supervisors meeting, congratulations! Your attendance and voices had a HUGE impact as you made it clear that you don't want recently reviewed and adopted zoning laws changed.
Rising almost as fast as the floodwaters on the Delaware is your patience and anger over ill-conceived proposed changes to the Forks Township zoning ordnances.
As great of a night as it was, at least for the citizens, the fight is not over. While you will not have an opportunity to speak further on the “BIG BOX/Grocery” matter, your attendance at the Thursday, July 20th Board of Supervisors meeting is crucial. We must continue to stand shoulder-to-shoulder so our presence is felt and the Board of Supervisors do not forget that we don’t want the ordnance changed. After all, if we allow this change for one developer, virtually any other zoning in Forks Township will not be worth the paper that it was written on.
Again, congratulations to YOU. This was your night and YOU made a difference!