Thursday, June 29, 2006

Together, we make a difference!

If you were one of the 100+ residents who attended tonight’s Board of Supervisors meeting, congratulations! Your attendance and voices had a HUGE impact as you made it clear that you don't want recently reviewed and adopted zoning laws changed.

Rising almost as fast as the floodwaters on the Delaware is your patience and anger over ill-conceived proposed changes to the Forks Township zoning ordnances.

As great of a night as it was, at least for the citizens, the fight is not over. While you will not have an opportunity to speak further on the “BIG BOX/Grocery” matter, your attendance at the Thursday, July 20th Board of Supervisors meeting is crucial. We must continue to stand shoulder-to-shoulder so our presence is felt and the Board of Supervisors do not forget that we don’t want the ordnance changed. After all, if we allow this change for one developer, virtually any other zoning in Forks Township will not be worth the paper that it was written on.

Again, congratulations to YOU. This was your night and YOU made a difference!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Be there or lose....

By now you should have received a green flier advising you of a crucial meeting in our township this week. Just in case, this Thursday (June 29th) at 7pm will be your only opportunity to tell the Board of Supervisors how you feel about changing the zoning ordinance in the EC (Employment Center) to allow for a 100,000 square foot BIG BOX/grocery ordinance.

The Board of Supervisors are public servants who are accountable to you. They are suppose to represent you and your wishes. Therefore, its up to you to tell them how YOU feel so they can make a vote that reflects the will of the people, not the developers or non-resident carpetbaggers.

If this zoning change is granted, make no mistake; the door will be opened to change all zoning within our township.

7pm this Thursday (June 29th) at the Forks Municipal Building (1606 Sullivan Trail) is the place to be if you want to have your voice heard and counted.

If you would like to be notified of other upcoming important development or political news within our township, please drop us a note with your contact information to:

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

And the show begins.....

As this legal notice shows, the curtain on the Zawarski/Maloney/Benner show is about to rise.

It is worth noting that the meeting will take place at the Forks Community Center, as all parties know that attendance should be very high.

Make no mistake about it. This is an attack on our community by rich and powerful developers like Zawarski and Maloney and their high-powered attorney, Benner, as well as other outsiders and special interest groups.

Will you stand and be counted? Will our Board of Supervisors (BoS) defend the sovereignty of our current zoning laws and the integrity of our township? Will the BoS either hire a special salaried counsel or set a fixed rate for the current Solicitor to make certain that our legal fees to deal with this mess don’t become astronomical?

As usual, for now, there are more questions than answers. What we can be certain of though is that their will be plenty of drama, intrigue and mystery with this show.

Friday, June 09, 2006


With all due respect to Gomer Pyle, to some, this action by JT Maloney (Signature Homes) and Nic Zawarski may come as a surprise. We (RWC) were not shocked at all. There is way too much money at stake for these builders and their “associates” to believe that they would do the right thing and respect farmland preservation zoning. It’s all about money and to those who care, following the money trail very closely could be quite interesting!

Our Board of Supervisors (BoS) will be tested during this ordeal. Will they have the fortitude and courage to fight for our community? Only time will tell, but, as the article mentions, clearly their constituency made it clear that they don’t want this project.

This may be a good time to consider a salaried (fixed-cost) special counsel to handle this mess as otherwise the billable hours by our township solicitor may become very high as he is an independent-contractor and not a township employee.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Empty houses?

With what seems like never-ending residential housing development in Forks Township, based on this article, and ones similar, one wonders how many newly constructed homes will sit in our town? The ripple effect will be the lack of tax revenue needed to fund projects that the township, school district and county have planned long before the “bust”.

One wonders what steps our elected board of Supervisors are taking TODAY to head-off any and all reamifications from this eventuality.