Kunkel Tract-Part 2

Remember when the Kunkel tract athletic fields at Easton High School went millions and millions of dollars over budget? Well, surprise-surprise-surprise, the Shawnee Middle School project is now going to cost an additional $100,000 due to the ineptness of the architects (Spillman-Farmer) and engineers (D'Huy).
While the architects and engineers should be chastised for their incompetence, at the end of the day, the citizen elected school board members are accountable as they hired these two firms, and placed confidence in school district leadership to get this right.
It is our opinion that this $100,000 is just the first of many cost overruns to come. Based on decisions made years ago, as well as in recent times by the Forks Township Supervisors, the residents of Forks Township will see all of their taxes skyrocket within the next 3 to 7 years. A big chunk of these will be due to poor prioritization and decisions by the Forks Township Board of Supervisors and the Easton Area School District.
Watch your wallet ladies and gentlemen, its going to get much lighter.