Signs and common sense
Imagine, you own a small business in Forks Township. You are looking for ways to beef up business. You go to Sam's Club, buy a small (maybe 8" wide x 36" long) "open" neon type sign and put it in your front window. To attract more people, you set it to blink. Lo and behold, Forks Township swoops down and says stop it from blinking or we will fine you as it is against code.
Are we to believe that there are no significant building and code violations in this Township among Developers and Builders so we have the resources and manpower to hassle a small business? How come the Community Center sign on Zucksville Road can blink, flash and rotate and it doesn't seem to cause anyone any problems?
Granted, rules are rules, but considering the dire state of this Township, common sense should prevail and our energy should be focused on addressing the serious issues that we face versus harassing a small business trying to make it here.
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