NIMBY Howell
A) “This is a totally inappropriate use of public land,” Howell said. “It's an eyesore.”
B) He said cell towers are “really ugly,” noting he had taken pictures of several towers, which he called “monstrosities,” on a recent trip to New Jersey.
Comments like these from Supervisor Howell remind us just how far removed he is from the realities of our society today.
Statistics from CTIA (Cellular Telephone Industry Association) and other groups clearly demonstrate that across America, for better or worse, people are not signing up for traditional landline service anymore and that they are relying solely on their wireless (cell) phone. While this should be reason enough to get past the aesthetics of this proposal, consider two other points.
- While on the road; If our teenage drivers have an emergency, our elderly parents need medical help; our non-driving children are at sports practice and need to reach their parents immediately, should we really put cosmetic appeal before public safety?
- The desirability of this park location is that there are no immediate neighbors close enough to distress with this cell tower. If tMobile did approach a private landowner with the tower idea how many neighboring residents would be outraged. Keep in mind; thanks to the BoS deciding to develop virtually all of the open space into residential housing there are no wide-open areas to just plop in a cellular site.