Sunday, January 14, 2007

Miller's Money-Part 3

Regarding Donald ("Don") Miller's whopping 60% pay increase, we encourage everyone to scroll down and read our two previous posts about this topic. As far as the specific article that appears in today's Express-Times, please keep a few things in mind.
  1. Supervisor Don Miller/Community Center Manager Don Miller could do the right thing and say something like-"listen, until I get this center profitable, I will pass on any salary increases offered to me."
  2. Even though its not considered a full-time job, being a Board of Supervisor does, or should require an awful lot of time, especially since we are the second fastest growing community in Pennsylvania. How can Don Miller devote the time needed to make our community center profitable when he is a member of the Board of Supervisors?
  3. The Auditors laid out rationale for Don Miller's 60% pay increase. They mainly focused on what other community center managers earn. We wonder if they also considered other factors in these comparisons to justify the increase such as-
a) What is the population difference between our town and those used to compare and justify this huge increase?
b) What are the program differences and what is offered in these other community centers that we do, or do not have? As an example, Bethlehem Township has an indoor and outdoor pool, plus they run many adult oriented programs whereas we do not.
c) Are the other community centers that were used for the comparison run by managers who hold a degree in recreation? To the best of our knowledge, Don Miller has no such degree.

Once again Mr. Miller we call on you to either reject this unbelievable 60% pay increase, or at least resign your seat on the Board of Supervisors so that you can focus 100% of your time and energy on making our community center profitable and one that offers many more programs and services.