Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Important awareness program

The Forks Township Police Department is sponsoring a vital and very timely program regarding drinking and driving. This program is geared towards teen drivers and their parents. The event will be held on Monday, April 24th and space is limited so pre-registration is required. Please check out the flier with this post and act TODAY. Your participation may save a life. Thanks, and kudos to Chief Dorney and Detective Rowden for their efforts.

Please click on the poster below to open in a new browser window so that you may see it in full size and print it.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Is The Meeting Over Yet?

Were those 43 minutes spent before moving to the actual agenda items at last night’s BoS meeting foreplay or an opening monologue?!?!?!?

If Mr. Ackerman will not be back in time to run the next meeting, and his #2 is in charge again, we call first dibs on the Starbucks/Red Bull concession stand to keep everyone awake!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Dude...Where's My Agenda Item?

So, the “call for election” of a new Board of Supervisor Chairman was removed from Thursday's (3/16) Board of Supervisors meeting agenda.

Hmm....divine intervention, coincidence, the power of the written (blog) word or a logical yet unexplained reason? One wonders………

Nice E-T Mention

Good piece by Sarah Mausolf in today’s ET about us. With regard to surveys and their results, without providing the total number of individual responses, the votes are unscientific at best. This is why media organizations like CNN, CNBC, MSNBC and Fox put huge disclaimers on these type of polls as you don’t know how many people are actually voting and how many are only voting once.

Just to clarify a reference made by Sarah, unlike any other organizations in our area, Residents Who Care (RWC) has one purpose: to recruit candidates to volunteer and/or run for public office.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Coincidence or Power Grab?

On the March 16, 2006 Board of Supervisors agenda under “unfinished business” there is a call for “election of chairman.” At the annual January reorganization meeting the board could not agree on a new chairman so Mr. Ackerman remained in that post. Word on the street is that Mr. Ackerman is away this week and will not be attending this meeting. If this is the case, is this coincidental timing or a behind-the-scenes power grab? One wonders……

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Welcome to the ResidentsWhoCare weblog! The fundamental purpose of this blog is to share newsworthy information about Forks Township, Pennsylvania and its surrounding cities, towns and townships. Why include adjacent communities? Simply stated, every action within, and outside of Forks Township creates an action and reaction both internally and externally.

Whether it be traffic, crime, changes to the infrastructure or a myriad of other conditions, keeping citizens and potential public servants informed is key to making our township an even better place to live, work and play.

So stay tuned, check in once in awhile. After all, you never know what you may learn about your community!