Legitimate survey?
According to this news report, residents have voted on how they would like to see recreation dollars spent in the township. Though the surveys were numbered, the survey was NOT conducted by an outside independent market research firm so the veracity of the results provided by the Board of Supervisors will always be questionable.
Our favorite quote from the article came from Supervisor Donald ("Don") Miller-
"Miller said he was most surprised with the number of people who said they would be willing to join a garden club to beautify the township park."
Is he for real? How many times over the years has the Board of Supervisors been urged to ask residents for help? There is a wealth of talent and skill sets in this township that goes untapped. Perhaps these people won't serve on boards, but they are willing to help with special projects. We have highly skilled and professionally trained people in this community who could be called on for help but are never called on.
Maybe the Board needs to check their ego at the door as well as put the township checkbook away long enough to ask for their assistance.