Thursday, October 26, 2006

Town Manager

So we read this morning that the Board of Supervisors is still proceeding with interviewing applicants for the town manager position. Our concerns remain the same.
  1. We have gone through two town managers in five years. In both cases lucrative severance packages were provided. What processes are NOW in place to make certain that previous mistakes are not repeated which, proved very costly to the taxpayers of Forks Township?
  2. Will this town manager be an actual resident of Forks Township? The last two were not and we believe this is crucial. Shouldn't our town manager be equally vested in our future success and/or failure? Currently there is no residency requirement.
  3. Has an updated job description been written for this position? A big chunk of the last town manager's job description contained finance duties. Prior to her departure the Board hired a finance manager. Will the reduction of duties be correlated with a lower salary for the new position?
  4. We feel that a big qualification of this position should be that the person has a proven track record of working with established businesses to keep them viable as well as success in attracting the right kind of business and industry for the township. After all, don't we already have enough empty buildings and store fronts?
Still seems to us like the Board of Supervisors continues to find ways to deflect work for themselves by hiring all this high priced management. Then again, by having a town manager in place, it becomes one more wall between themselves and their constituency.